These photos are by Meg Sharp, I think she is really good. I never met her or anything, but yeah I think her pictures are rad.
nice one.
I love vitamin water, defence is my ultimate favourite.
Most of these people probably have kids and work in offices and live in lovely middle class houses by now. But at least while they were kids they were doing something worthwhile. So kids of the generation, stop trying to look cool, the country is in turmoil! At least good old Gordy is gone now, but greasy twat cameron is going in now (ohh get me oh so political).Our generation will never have its own punk movement, dude its been done, but we have to have something right? Everything nowadays is just recycled from the olden days. It pisses me off.
p.s i am writing this as gordon brown resigns. for ten minutes we will have no prime minister. so effectively we have no leader. so effectivley we can break loads of laws right? im not sure how it works, but im pretty sure thats right.
If i tried to explain it i would kill it.
Lace top from...primark (urgh its so wrong), shorts made from an old pair of my mothers jeans, jacobs shirt, and rosary from topman. The places where all this stuff comes from makes me feel a little ill, i mean topman and primark? pah i dont know. The quality is shite because my camera is busted so i had to use my phone. thats all for now. x
So there are my thoughts of the day. Goodbye.
Party on saturday night, was well good.
im still just extremely bored.