1. Courtney Love
Here's the thing, without Kurt Cobain she would be nothing. I don't just mean not famous, I mean absolutely nothing, living in a gutter sucking whiskey out of a damp old bar napkin. So she was in Hole, possibly one of the most talked about yet not actually listened to bands of all time, they are shit. Don't even get me started on her 'style', cause honestly I will never stop. Although kudos to her, she doesn't take anyone's shit and she can handle herself. Also she wrote this, devastatingly nonsensical tweet aimed at Taylor Momsen which I like, because she basically tells her to stop being such a TIT...@taylorxmomson shut the FUCK up you overpriveliged bratty bitch that picked on every freak in high school mention my name again? BAM… is that youyr name? i dont watch tv or read teen mags and gossip rags so i wouldnt know, do NOT still “like my music”please… if i was pissy about every chick that every bit me id be busy indeed your just annoyingly cloyingly wrong.WORKWITHYRHANDS… oh btw i doubt it would be from me that BAM, i think it would be from every “freak” and Fag” in high school you ever picked on. Christ!UGH.

2. Taylor Momsen

3. Alexa Chung
I like Alexa Chung, when she presented T4 it brightened up my saturday morning. What I don't like is all the 'Chung-ettes' I see everywhere. I understand if people would like to take inspiration, but honestly an entire outfit? And haircut!? And mannerisms?! I don't understand how this Alexa admiration has gotten to such a level...she was just a presenter on T4!!! 
Well that was fun.
every one knew it was one of their songs by the way, but nice one.
ReplyDeleteOkay, it's idiotic to say that Hole would be nothing without Kurt, because they had an album out before he was really in the picture. And no, there music isn't bad. It's actually really great. Anyone who thinks that it's bad has obiously never actually truly listened to it. Just sayin'
ReplyDelete*their music