Sunday, 28 February 2010
Fuck It...Song of the week, Ellie Golding Starry eyed Jakwob remix
Ciao bella :)
x x x
The last day of Febuary

These are my favourite looks from the show. Striped trousers...hello there. Also on the fourth picture, the weird harness chest thing? Not sure if I like it or not, but it's certainly pretty damn interesting.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
I love Ribena

BYE x x x
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Song of the week-Harlem
No comments again, im dissapointed. And dissapointment is worse than anger.
So wanna watch a video and hear a song that's by kids who take to many drugs, drink too much and trash other peoples houses? I know I do.
They're called Harlem and they have actually been around FOREVER. So enjoy!
x x x
Thursday, 18 February 2010
God bless the holidays...

I think that the flowing fabrics especially the long dresses are just amazing. I like how the whole collection was light and airy, which you don't see in f/w shows. It was obviously what was going to happen after all the black and studs which have been hanging around for far too long.
This is by far my favourite look of the whole show. I love how they have mixed patterns and fabrics, plus the top totes looks like something you would dig out of a jumble sale, but they have managed to make it look good by putting really rad opaque sleeves onto it.
So there it is, kudos to Rodarte who have actually managed to create something which is actually gorgeous!
x x x
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Lubitel 166 Universal

Friday, 12 February 2010
Post 100...lets make it a good one

I totes love it. Basically the whole collection was monochromatic, and i really liked how it was more white than this gloomy black stage the entire fashion world is going through (today i wore all black and 2 people asked me who's funeral i was going to, no joke). Loving the dress lengths, waterfall cuts and the tie up shorts in the last picture. Everythings really loose and flowing, like a fresh summer breeze.Beautiful.
Ciao, I am now going to fafas for a film evening. I don't know what we are going to watch yet, but i hope its good.
x x x
Thursday, 11 February 2010
A True Legend

Sunday, 7 February 2010
Song Of The Week- Feathers
It has been far far too long since i last did song of the week, it should basically be called song of the millennium. Anyways its back, with a vengance.
I went to this mega sad thing with my papa today and i got the mother of all cameras. It was made by russians. Pictures soon, i will soon do a big post full of pictures i said i would put up. This will include long tartan dress, weird jacket and new/old camera.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Well it is February, so i think I'm going to start choosing swimwear

Top two from Nasty Gal vintage (possibly the most annoying name ever) and bottom one from AA. You can't beat american apparel when it comes to anything tight and all-in-one. Although it was hard to find pictures without the models spreading their legs.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
New Boots...

They make me feel like a cockney/one of the horrors/vince noir. An all around good feeling.
That is all I had to say, so I'm off
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Insert pun about bags, studs, whatevs.