AHHH! I love the colours and how its so nice but it still looks mega comfy. Yes it costs more than a small second hand car to buy all 3 sets, but i know what id rather have. I could just use my mums car.
AHHH! I love the colours and how its so nice but it still looks mega comfy. Yes it costs more than a small second hand car to buy all 3 sets, but i know what id rather have. I could just use my mums car.
Yeah she's pretty much old news to the world by now, but this was the first thing i had come across with her in that i actually liked.
x x x
I have to say that this outift is cooler than anything ive seen in a very long time.the japanese put the rest of the world in the shade when it comes to crazy styling.very very very good. very.
In the middle is one of my favourite pictures of all time. It's a baby monkey with a budweiser. What's not to love? That took me a riduculous amount of time to make by the way, appreciate it.
I'm off, got work to do and stuff.
She is one of my favourite characters cause she is drunk basically all the time, and her house is mega nice. Plus she smokes pink cigarettes. Classy.
Nicholas Hoult plays the student who basically stalks George. He has to do an american accent which is a bit weird but it's quite good. Also the girl with him is his girlfriend kinda, played by Aline Weber. A model? Doing acting? SHOCKING! Well not really because all she does is look moody and chain smoke and not talk. So yeah not acting, posing.
I know that is very short but I really have no time, so just go and see it ok? It's blinding.
Yeah she's not really wearing many clothes which defies the point of a fashion magazine about clothes, BUT she is painted gold. Snaps for I-D. The 'top' in the second picture is so nice, it has such an unusual shape and the print on it is mega ace. Boots in the last one are totally amazing,the heels are pretty damn fierce. I'm sorry i couldn't think of any other word.
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Yesterday we saw these girls who were just milling around various charity shops and they just had this whole air about them that was mega annoying. You know those people who are like yeah I'm a photographer and a blogger and a model and a DJ and a designer and I'm in an experimental noise band which totes pushes all the boundaries of all music genres? well yeah they were like that.
But we didn't actually talk to them, so we can't be completley sure, but I bet my bottom dollar they were.
BYE x x x
Hey guess what? It's another song thats all like dreamy and stuff.Yeah its like the same as washed out and toro y moi but what you gonna do about it basically.
Photos of Katy Perry from Nylon.
I didn't get it cause I spent all my money on this other dress (it reminded me of Christopher Kane, I just had to) but i'll get pictures up soon.
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nails. with. chains. I actually cannot believe it, i wish wish wish i had a set. The long ones are kind of gross and would get all tangled but they are runway ones so they arent supposed to be practical i guess. But the short ones I just love.
Hopefully I will post a bit more over the break, but i would say dont hold your breath
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