These pictures make it look a lot bluer than it is, its kind of lighter than navy by about two shades. I got this other jacket, it's a YSL mens windbreaker but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet, it's HUGGGGEEE. But I got that one and this one (which is Laura Ashley) for £8.50. In a vintage shop they would be like £25 each, maybe more. I love charity shops, it takes a while to get what you want but it's worth it.
Also my gran gave me this long tartan dress, i'll put pictures up soon. It kinda has a Miu Miu feel, which i am totally in love with. Except it's made of wool and it makes me look about 40.
i'm back to my sick bed now, have a nice evening
I love how they are so floaty and kinda opaque, but it gives the dresses alot of depth. My favourite is the long dress on the last picture, the necklines are niiiiiiiiiiiice. I'm still not sure about the colours, but the idea behind it is one of the best I've heard in a very long while. It's very creative, non?
Beach Fossils-Daydream.
I know I didn't do one last week, so I just kinda skipped it. Don't worry you wouldn't have missed much, i've been playing the same 4 songs all week.
Not to my taste exactly, but I really do like the exploration of pattern for this collection. I just think it could have been shown in a more interesting way.
bye for now