Sunday, 27 September 2009
Song of the week

Ricardo Fumanal

Hopefully he'll get famous. Keep your eyes open :)
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Vintage Jackets are so the new black.

So I'm off now, watching the X-Factor has become addictive!
Basso & Brooke

Basso & Brooke are different. As hard as it may be, they don't just copy what everyone else does, and have developed their own style which has earnt them a huge group of (well deserved) followers.
Signing off
Friday, 25 September 2009
Vampires are a pain in the neck

The thing is, these girls actually look like they are ill, which I think is a bit weird and also not really what Pieroni was going for. The red lipstick was supposed to be seeping through like they had just had a quick bite, but i think it looks like they have a bleeding lip. Also bleached brows. The ever emerging A/W trend which is riduculously hard to pull off, because they make you look like an alien.
So thats all for now, byebye
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Get snappy + Song of the Day

This dress frightens me a bit. The detail of that animal is immense.
Also I'm going to start doing song of the week rather than song of the day. You'll get a better song promise, because i will have had longer to find a really really good one. So here it is for the last time...Song Of The Day.
Julian Casblancas - 11th Dimension
Sounds like something else I've heard but I'm not quite sure what. He's that bloke from The Strokes, incase you recognise his little face.
Marc Jacobs will take over the world!

Let's face it, it's not as good as Marc By Marc Jacobs but it is definitely more recession friendly.
So combine this with the main Marc Jacobs, he now has his name on 3 companies which make some damn nice clothes.
For goodness sake, you can even get a Marc Jacobs condom! Now if that isn't a sign of a man who is going to be the king of the world one day, I don't know what is.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Pin It

So now I'm off to pin everything I own, and I'll listen to some Sonic Youth while I'm doing it.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Song Of The Day

Rodarte Spring Summer 2010

Sunday, 20 September 2009
Song Of The Day

Teengirl Fantasy- Portofino
Coloured Hair is BACK

Friday, 18 September 2009
Song Of The Day

Real Good Sunroof Remix
no video sorry, stream it and download if you do so wish :)
Christopher Kane for Topshop

Thursday, 17 September 2009
Song Of The Day
Internet shopping! well browsing...

Next up...Urban Outfitters

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Song Of The Day
They do good remixes aswell :)
Neon Indian- Terminally Chill
Those school uniforms made a joke of you and me
Ok so I have 8 glorious weeks to wear whatever I wish, have my hair the way I want, wear tights in other colours and patterns than just plain black (we get told off for grey tights for goodness sake) and then suddenly I'm plonked back into this place with these clothes and rules about clothes. No longer is it the usual like dont do black shoes brown bag or wear a black bra with a white tee, its also things like top button done up (which no one does), black shoes, black tights, LONG skirt (which no one does again) and shirt tucked in.
Clothes really do show where we are placed the world. When you're an adult you can wear what you want, be free! But when you're a child (urgh) then you just have to put up with looking like every other person in the whole un-adult world.
Also I just have to add a few words...POLY-COTTON MIX. Enough said.
Charles Anatase, please design me a new uniform :)

Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The Top 5

Number 3: Jason Wu This boys gonna be big. His whole collection mades me feel happy and good and smiley. But this gorgeous little number put the icing on the cake. Love the colour and feather detail, a bit bizarre with the lime belt but none the less, its a pretty little number.
Number 2: Preen
Number 1: William Rast
Theyre calling him the new kid on the block. Hes been around for a while but hes only just got amazingly good. This outfit is so perfect, the leather jacket is good fit, striped top and skin tight jeans. All in the best tone alive, BLACK!Throw on a pair of chunky boots and im completely sold.
ill be back soon my little chiccadees
Song Of The Day

ciao bella