Also the article is actually quite interesting, its a pretty good read. It says that she represents the freaks, the weirdos and inhabits a world of fairies, mermaids and stig of the dumps where things definitely go bump in the night. Sounds like my kind of girl quite honestly.
Ok so here are the top five things I have found out and love about her:
Number 1: She has TRUTH tattooed on the inside of her bottom lip.
Number 2: She has a lizard called Annie.
Number 3: She's convinced she is supposed to be a mermaid.
Number 4: She is from down under.
Number 5: She fainted at Alexander McQueen's s/s 09 show, because her corset was too tight (mmm yeah sure)
So we have all learnt something, been inspired and now we must part ways, as I have a packet of fruit salads to eat and only half an hour to do it in. And no i cant eat them and type at the same time. What am I, a functional human?
My life is boring and full of study as well!anyway I love Abbey she is lovely!