Sunday, 29 November 2009
It really is a never ending arguement in our household, dad says its the first day and me and mum think its the last. Why would they choose it as the first day of the week after all, it makes actually no sense.
Anyway this week it's Reading Rainbow. I had never ever heard of them until about ten minutes ago, but then i watched this video and heard the song and I really liked it.
Plus the video is just two people swinging their arms around and doing a stupid dance. Who wouldn't love that?
Saturday, 28 November 2009
My little collage

Thats all I really wanted to say right now. Im going to watch X-Factor.
A night in London

Sorry about the terrible quality pictures, i forgot my camera and had to use my crappy phone one. Anyway when we went in the front, it was like a tiny shop that went into the video bit. I hate european sizes because I can't work them out. For most people it's like oh I'm a 42 or whatever, but i'm just like what is going on with these numbers man.
So everyone there was our fantastic night in London. mmm yeah it really was life changing.I hate it when you can't tell sarcasm in things like this. Well I was being sarcastic.
Have a nice day everyone!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Tripped Out Space Fiction
I love psychedelia, right now it is my favourtie thing. The colours and the thoughts that go behind it all, gah I adore it. So when I was flipping through the good old internet and I found this artist called Seana Gavin. Look at these. Feasts for the eyes my friend, feasts for the eyes.

Her work is freaking amazing, non? Im going to try and make some of my own, minus the drug influences. Ill just have to eat a lot of sugar or something.
bye my loves.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Ricardo Tisci should be my friend

Ahhh thats more like it. I want these things so much. Ricardo Tisci, if you read this, drop me a line.
Well heres to wishing folks.
Also just to say, when I told my dad I wanted Lola by Marc Jacobs, he thought that Marc Jacobs was a boy at school. Im not even kidding.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Abbey Lee Kershaw...enough said

Also the article is actually quite interesting, its a pretty good read. It says that she represents the freaks, the weirdos and inhabits a world of fairies, mermaids and stig of the dumps where things definitely go bump in the night. Sounds like my kind of girl quite honestly.
Ok so here are the top five things I have found out and love about her:
Number 1: She has TRUTH tattooed on the inside of her bottom lip.
Number 2: She has a lizard called Annie.
Number 3: She's convinced she is supposed to be a mermaid.
Number 4: She is from down under.
Number 5: She fainted at Alexander McQueen's s/s 09 show, because her corset was too tight (mmm yeah sure)
So we have all learnt something, been inspired and now we must part ways, as I have a packet of fruit salads to eat and only half an hour to do it in. And no i cant eat them and type at the same time. What am I, a functional human?
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Song of the week...once again
If you listen to this song really really loud, it makes your tummy feel funny and you cant feel your fingers. Well maybe thats just me.
AHH and I managed to get the little player thing up! For those who don't know I always have problems with this, but now it's done it. HOORAY!
Friday, 20 November 2009
Everyone loves a Cardigan

see you round
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
The best/scummiest thing to come out of my attic
And the topic for now is...a denim cut off.

This is on the arm hole, which is actually so big i thought it was the arm hole. Also theres one at the top which is like a three pronged rip fest.

Oh and i have saved the absolute best bit for last...
Thats right, an embroidered patch saying suffolk. lamest thing i have seen all year. and im not allowed to take it off, even though it is now mine.
So yes we have lined up the pros (onminous stain, rip central) and the cons (the bloody huge suffolk thing, by the way i detest suffolk with a passion, and im allowed to say that because i have been stuck here for 15 years) for this little number.
And in doing so i have worked out that i will only ever wear this for days when i want to look like a grunge hipster from the front, and a sad suffolk fanatic from the back. mmm this will probably go back to the loft then. shame really, my current cut off is a shambles (and not in a good way)
well i hope you liked reading this, it was long enough eh?
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Song of the week
I am so bad at this uploading video marlarky, i just have to post a link but everyone else in the blog world (blogsphere? what is that even) seems to be able to get a youtube little box thing that you can just watch straight off.
OK so you cool cats are just gonna have to follow the link like lambs to the slaughter. sorry about that.
i had to mute my tv to listen to this and i actually am ridiculously in love with it. The song is GREAT and the video reminds me of days before i was born.
watch it please, it will make me happy :)
Must Dash

I dont believe it to be frank with you. Also here comes a little bit of gloating on my part, i have been wearing a tasche necklace everyday for an entire year. If you dont believe me, ask my mother.
Mine has gone a bit funny now, the chain has lost its silverness and is kinda a bit coppery and the acyrlic has dappled, but i will never ever ever not wear it (except in the bath and shower, i sleep in it too).
Also they have it in a ring

Saturday, 14 November 2009
Luella is gone. another company devoured by the recession.
I actually cried. its a sad day for us all.
fashion used to be about the style god dammit, now its all about the green.
Friday, 13 November 2009
The whole world is going Gaga

Safe to say Gaga is taking over the entire world, with her 'oh im so crazy, people have always called be weird, because i dress so extremely and im so outspoken' persona. Also does any else know Roisin Murphy? Wasn't she wearing shoulder pads, sequins and stupidly short knicker shorts about 5 years before Gaga?
I have to go, otherwise I will actually never stop.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
i bloody love these guys, i was gonna buy their album today but then i didnt. i like this song, but its a bit different from all the stuff on Street Horrrsing. I dont quite know what to make of it if i am completey honest.
well ta-raa
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Hilary Pecis-a very unfitting name...

OH MY GOD! amazing and trippy and wow! they are so full of colour and life and dreams and stuff. i love this woman, she makes me feel like im living in an 60s LSD trip. Theres more here...
Have a look yeah? this is literally the coolest thing i have ever seen.
Have a fun time with fireworks everyone! dont be silly with them, you might die.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
DAVID DAVID, so good he named it twice

The sweater in the middle, here it is a little closer...

Sorry for the quite frankly appalling picture quality, this is basically all I could find. But if you just have a little look-see at this picture and the fabulous David David designs at the beginning, all I can see is a rip off of a print altered a tinyyyy bit. Tell me if you agree or not, but I think Lacoste have got something fishy going on.
Ciao bella!